National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

September 30th is National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. This day marks the first step in Canada’s journey toward reconciliation, to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools, honor survivors, their families and communities. (Federal Statutory Holiday, 1) This day is not about celebration but educating Canadians about the tragic past in our country and the impact it had on Indigenous communities.

Snce 2013, September 30th has been known as Orange Shirt Day. This legacy began as part of the St. Joseph mission residential school commemoration project and reunion events that took place in BC in 2013. These events were to commemorate the residential school experience, to witness and honor the healing journey of survivors, and their families.(Story of Orange Shirt day, 1)  Orange Shirt Day was chosen as the center of this legacy when a former student of the residential school system told her story about her orange shirt given to her by her grandmother was taken away by a school official. (Story of Orange Shirt day, 1)

September 30th was chosen because it was around this time of year when children would be taken from their families to be sent to residential schools. This day opens the door to global conversation about residential schools and allows opportunity to create discussion around the effects they had on Indigenous communities. A discussion that Canadians can be a part of to build bridges toward reconciliation with each other and a day for survivors, and those affected to be reaffirmed that they matter.

There are many organizations in the Simcoe Muskoka region that provide support and services to Indigenous communities as well as educational programs for non-Indigenous people in our area who would like to learn more.

Barrie Native Friendship Centre

The Barrie Native Friendship Centre was established in 1987 and expanded quickly, leading to the location on Bayfield St where you will see murals covering the walls. Their mission is to improve quality of life for all Indigenous people in the area and provide a gathering place that promotes unity. (About BNFC, 1) They have set up a variety of culturally based programs, services and teachings to reflect their mission. Most of their programs are geared toward the Indigenous community, but they do host a variety of events that are open to everyone, and encourage participation from the community to learn more about what they do at BNFC.

National Day of Truth and Reconciliation PowWow events consisting of traditional singing and dancing.
Source PowWow

The Barrie Native Friendship Centre also hosts their very own PowWow event, which is a celebration of culture and ancestral histories. There are many PowWow events that happen across Ontario and the Simcoe Muskoka region. PowWows consist of traditional singing, dancing and storytelling based on that year’s specific theme.

Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle

The Barrie and Native Advisory Circle is another local organization that serves as a regional social health and planning organization functioning as an incubator of ideas in areas where a strong regional voice is needed. They believe in concepts of lifelong learning, self-determination and community participation. (About BANAC, 1)

Georgian College Indigenous Support Services

For Indigenous students looking to attend post-secondary, Georgian College also has a variety of Indigenous services designed to support students through the process of applying and post-secondary experience. The Indigenous Resource Center has been setup at each Georgian College location to provide a culturally supportive and comforting environment for students to study, socialize and access a variety of services. There are also a few mentor programs offered to Indigenous students as well like the visiting elder programs which provides holistic and spiritual guidance, and traditional teachings. Additionally, the peer mentor program focuses on support through the transition to post-secondary.  (Indigenous services, 1)

Today on National Day of Truth and Reconciliation we come together to reflect on our countries past and move forward together through change by educating ourselves about what residential schools really were and the impact they had on Indigenous communities across the country.

For more information and support you can visit the following sites:
Barrie Native Friendship Centre

Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle

Georgian College Indigenous Services

Journey into Truth


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